About Us


CHS LAMPS came about by accident. I semi-retired in 2016, having always built things and invented things. Loving a puzzle and looking for the solution.

I qualified as an Electrician more for my own interest and needs than anything else.

In my well-equipped workshop I pottered and made things for friends and family.

I stumbled across bottle lamp kits. I found that the biggest complaints were either the kits were flimsy and the wire just dangled down the bottle and looked a bit untidy or the customer ordered a standard kit  to find the bung wouldn’t fit.

I did chuckle when one solution (not mine) was, “Wrap a rubber band around the bung” when it was too small.

Then hey presto the “Universal Bung” for bottle lamps was born.

So here we are giving bottles a second lease of life.


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